Thanks and Tributes


We would like to pay tribute to the work that Liz (and her husband Brian) have done on behalf of BYLARA.

Liz has been licensed since 1995 now combines Guiding and Amateur Radio as often as possible. She can usually be found on the air from a TDOTA (Thinking Day on the Air) or JOTA (Jamboree On The Air) station during the third weekend of February and October respectively each year. As National TDOTA coordinator for Girl Guiding, she is webmaster for Guides on the Air UK and tries to encourage and assist stations who wish to take part in the activity each year.

Our late Membership Secretary, Jackie Head MØCUR, was also a keen supporter of the Guiding movement.

World Thinking Day
World Thinking Day – Foxlease

Liz is a member of Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club and, with other members, she has helped to set up and operate numerous special event stations and field day events.

In January 2009 she was part of an all YL International Dxpedition to the Falklands with the call VP8YLB. Nicky, MM5YLO was another member of the team.

Shorty’s meal

This is the Falkland Islands Group posing together and enjoying a social meal.

Liz and Brian have now retired and are looking forward to spending some time travelling together. We wish them well. We are not sure if they will appear on the air & mobile, but if you do hear them please give them a call.

Liz and Brian launched at the beginning of 2012, having made preparations during the previous couple of months. This replaced, created by Daphne G7ENA, as there was a problem moving providers.

We would like to thank them both for all the work that they have done.

DXpedition Team
Daphne Neal G7ENA

Daphne did a wonderful job of editing the Newsletter, with a little break, for many years. She was also responsible for getting BYLARA onto the internet in the first place, both with a website and a Yahoo reflector. So THANK YOU very much Daphne for all you do. It is very much appreciated.

Val Lemko VE5ACJ and Yvonne Van Dijk ZB6TBL

We are very grateful to Val and Yvonne for looking after our website before handing it on to Judith. Not an easy task from outside the UK!

Thank you to all who support and encourage others.
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