
The Constitution of The British Young Ladies Amateur Radio Association

1.  Name

The Association shall be known as BYLARA. (British Young Ladies Amateur Radio Association).

2.  Objectives

  • To further the well-being of Amateur Radio in all aspects, maintaining a high standard of operating and courtesy at all times.
  • To help, encourage and extend interest among British women in Amateur Radio.
  • To develop a spirit of friendship and unity among all YLs.

3.  Membership

  • Full membership with voting rights to be granted to fully paid up women operators and women SWLs resident in the British Isles.
  • Associate membership without voting rights to be granted to men and members residing outside the British Isles.

4.  Forfeiture of Membership

Membership of the Association shall be forfeited:

  1. If any member has not paid the subscription due within 3 months of the due date.
  2. By notice in writing to the Association.
  3. If, in the opinion of the Committee, a member has acted in a way as to bring the Association into disrepute.

5.  Annual Subscription

  1. An annual subscription, payable by all members, shall be decided each year by postal ballot, on the recommendation of the Committee.
  2. The subscription and financial year shall apply from lst July.
  3. Members joining in the second half of the financial year shall pay half the annual subscription for the remainder of that financial year.

6.  Management

The Association shall be managed by a Committee in whom the property of the Association shall be vested.
The Committee shall ordinarily consist of:

  1. Chairman
  2. Treasurer
  3. Secretary
  4. Four Ordinary Committee Members
  5. The Committee shall have power to co-opt no more than four extra Committee Members if necessary.
  6. In the event of the resignation of a key Officer the Committee shall have power to appoint a successor for that post for the rest of that financial year.
  7. The Chairman shall take or appoint to the Chair at meetings and perform such duties as pertain to an Officer of the Association.
  8. The Treasurer shall collect subscriptions, keep a proper book of accounts, draw up a statement of accounts for the financial year ending 30th June, arrange for their audit and present them to the Membership.
  9. The Secretary shall keep a register of all members, prepare an agenda for meetings, keep minutes of meetings and deal with club correspondence.

7.  Elections of Officers

  1.  Election of the Committee to take place annually by postal ballot.
  2.  The Committee shall all be full members of the Association.
  3.  Proposals for election to the Committee to be submitted in writing to the Secretary one calendar month before the end of the financial year, for publication.

8.  Adopton of Proposals

  1. Proposals concerning the running of BYLARA will be published in the Newsletter issued before the end of the financial year.
  2. Proposals will be accompanied by explanatory comment.
  3. Votes will be submitted in writing, counted and a simple majority will apply.
  4. Results will be published in the next edition of the Newsletter.
  5. Numbers of those in favour of the proposal, those against and any abstentions shall be given and any explanatory statements submitted for publication by members.

9.  Voting

  1. A simple majority vote either of the Committee, on Committee matters, or of the Membership, as applicable to sections 5, 7 and 8, shall be enforced.
  2.  The Chair shall vote only when a casting vote is necessary.
  3.  Each member shall have one vote only.

10. Dissolution

In the event of a decision being taken to windup the Association, its assets, after settlement of all outstanding debts, shall be donated to charities agreed by the Committee.

11. Amendment

This constitution can only be amended by postal ballot of all full members.

Amendment: re provision to call an EGM.

A letter from 10 full members to be received by the Secretary, giving their reasons for calling an EGM. This to be arranged by those members and at least 3 weeks notice to be given to the Secretary. One tenth of the Membership to attend the meeting to provide a quorum and as in all other resolutions a postal ballot to be arranged.

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