I have not been too busy on the radio, but managed to log over 200 QSO’s for the BYLARA Birthday bash on 29th April. I used the prefix GA- Homecoming Scotland – and was busy for 5 hours.
We enjoyed the 17th GMDX convention and dinner at Stirling on 12th April where I met and enjoyed a long chat with Kai, MM1AUF from Gurrock. I also met Saundy Fedor, XYL of K0IR, who also enjoyed the good Scottish weather. Krystyna SP3HDB, had accompanied her OM SP3DOI, Les from Poland to come to the GMDX meeting.
The lectures were on reports from ZD8UW, African travels, Austral Islands and FT5ZM. Wish I could have been there! I was very happy to work Hilary 17th G4JKS as TX6G, a new YL DX country for me.
Ken and I had an early holiday and toured Ireland for 3 weeks at the end of May and beginning of June. We only had the ferries booked and were able to drive around at our leisure. The WX was good, only 2 very wet nights and mornings. The countryside is beautiful and very wild in places.
Some areas have very poor mobile phone coverage, but to compensate most campsites provided free WiFi coverage.
We managed to activate 5 SOTA hills, Ben Bradagah GI/SM-009 at 485 meters , Sawel Mountain GI/SM-001 at 678meters, Menawn EI/IW-035 at 466 m, then Carrick Mountain, EI/IE-046 at 381 meters near Wicklow and finally Slievemartin near Newry GI/MM-011 at 485 meters. The views from up the tops were brilliant. We walked for miles in forests and along stunning beaches .
We have now operated SOTA from 10 different DXCC Entities (countries) .
Have had a lot of gardening to catch up with, and now we have visitors arriving from Norway for their holidays and shopping!
Best wishes to you all.
Christine GM4YMM