BYLARA Perpetual Awards

These beautifully designed and colourful awards are available for working members of BYLARA. Our awards are open to all YLs and OM and are available to Shortwave Listeners on an “as heard” basis. All bands and modes count, and one contact per member.

BYLARA Members Award

Work any 10 BYLARA members, including OM and YL members, anywhere in the world. This is in recognition of our OM associate members and the support they give us. Further certificates are available for working multiples of 10.

Members award
BYLARA Basic Award

Britain and Europe
Work 15 YL BYLARA members to include at least 10 British YL members ( G, GM, GW, GI, GD, GJ, GU).

DX (outside Europe)
Work 10 YL BYLARA members to include 6 British YL members.

Basic award
BYLARA Advanced Award

Britain and Europe
Work 30 YL BYLARA members to include at least 20 British YL members ( G, GM, GW, GI, GD, GJ, GU).

DX (outside Europe)
Work 20 YL BYLARA members to include 12 British YL members.

Advanced award
Scottish BYLARA Award

Britain and Europe
Work 6 GM YLs to include 2 GM BYLARA Members.

DX (Outside Europe)
Work 4 GM YLs to include 2 GM BYLARA Members.

Scottish award
How to claim

No QSL necessary. BYLARA Membership Numbers must be included. Contact our awards manager  Judith Brooks  G4IAQ to claim an award.

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