A Little Bit About Us

The British Young Ladies Amateur Radio Association (BYLARA) was founded in April 1979 to further YL operating in Britain and so promote friendship, stimulate interest and, in particular, encourage good operating techniques and courtesy to all operators at all times.

BYLARA is affiliated to the RSGB and membership is open to all. Since its formation BYLARA has been instrumental in establishing several YL activities as follows:

  • Get-togethers are organised at various Rallies throughout the country.
  • A Newsletter is produced quarterly in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. All news and views will be welcomed by the Editor.
  • The BYLARA Award and Scottish BYLARA Award are available for working BYLARA Members and other YLs. See the Awards section for details.
  • Activity days 6th of every month. Call CQ YL on the hour on frequencies ending in 88.
  • The BYLARA Reflector for members can be found on groups.io.
A Brief History

BYLARA 1979 – 2009

BYLARA Started in April 1979. Mary Adams, G4GAJ, was Chairman and Editor, Diana Hughes, G4EZI, Secretary and Judith Brooks, G4IAQ, Treasurer.

The first Newsletter was printed in June 1979. There were 123 members including OMs and those overseas and the Newsletter was being sent to America, Australia , Africa , India and Europe.

These were some of the YL clubs at the time:

YLRL Young Ladies Radio League (America)
JLRS Japanese Ladies Radio Society
YLRC Elettra Marconi (Italian Ladies)
CLARA Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association
ALARA Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association
PARKA Polar Amateur Radio Klub of Alaska (mixed club)
WARO Women Amateur Radio Operators ( New Zealand)
DLYL German Young Ladies
SAWRC South African Women’s Radio Club.

January 1980
We were affiliated to the RSGB and the DXYL net, the 14.222, also started.

We had Associate Members in Germany , America, Luxembourg, Libya, Denmark, Holland, Poland, Canada, Australia, Bermuda, South Africa, New Zealand, India, Alaska and Indonesia.

September 1982
Members were taking part in Special events, Contests, DXpeditions, Overseas YL meets and visits to friends made over the air.

March 1984
The First BYLARA Contest started and it continued until 1988.
The 5th Birthday Party was held at Elvaston Castle.

Maureen Fellows, G8GKR, and Edward Fellows, G8ENA, took over the printing and distribution of the Newsletter.

At the AGM a new constitution was presented and approved to allow for postal voting.

May 1989
10th Birthday Party at Drayton Manor.

August 1998
BYLARA launched the club callsign MØBYL.

BYLARA’S 21st Birthday. The special call GB2YL was used by Jan, GWØKPD, and Maureen, GØVRT. Maureen, GØVRT, and several other members activated Les Minqueries off the coast of Jersey for Islands On the Air with the special call GJ4L.
Members took part in a DXpedition to the Norfolk Islands.

Members assisted during the natural disaster of the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

Members assisted during the natural disaster of Hurricane Katrina.

YL DXpedition to the Falklands.
30th Anniversary. A souvenir Pearl Handbook was produced with many photographic memories of past events.

2009 onwards

Members continue to take part in DXpeditions, YL meets, Special Events, Contests, Rallies, Conventions and very much more!

Our Newsletter has regular reports of members’ activities, and you will find a small selection on our Reports pages.

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